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under those [?] otherwise if a tax collector were [?] in consequential a similar endorsement on the writ to wait till the party suing him applied his [infirmetion?] the collection of any

tax no matter  how legal or constitutional 

might he delayed for [?] e.q. if the seizure were made and the writ were issued in the [?]

If does not at all follow from the fear of a writ being indorsed with notice [Infirmetion?] will be applied for

The claim for the [Infirmetion?] indorsed on

the writ is merely a preliminary for [mality?-

if [?] he pleaded to [yeven?] supposing [?] by defendant for the writ if [?] he inferred? exception by applying to the Court by [?] on affidavit [?] could he stated shy the writ should not [?]

The order [?] the [?] made the [?] is a [?] order [?] notice of such an order will [?] suffice the affidavit [?]

[sider? ]show that the order was demanded

But suppose such a notice was sufficient service of the order there is nothing on the affidavit filed for the Plaintiff to show that after the service of the notice any of the Plaintiff's goods were sold or the proceed thereof parted with

Nor that the defendant either after serving the notice or being served with the order willfully or intentionally