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came up the road where the boxes run. It would show at the top as well. I would call the [?gas]. That was about half past nine. Griffiths went down behind the brattice & Hague into the [? ? center?]. My [?slate] was about 3 or 4 yds down the cut of the brattice. I did not hear Hague or Griffiths shout “fire” when the shot was fried with my partner & I was working together & one could see the shot if the other could. No mention [?] to [?examine them]. He was certain he saw fire but could not say whether it was gas or coal dust. He saw it in the intake or main airway. he fired a little in one place that many [? had to vent into?] [?] is a curtain as little below one [?placer]. He could not see it through the curtain but [?] the brattice. It did not come all the way up to the end of the brattice. I cannot say that I knew the difference between coal dust flame & [?] flame. A gas flame I do not know [???????]. I do not know what Griffith wanted the [?] [?]. After the shot was fired he came out from behind the curtain & wend down slope. To Mr Young – I have seen a slope fried. [? ? ?] gas & he or water or anything to put it out.

To the Fireman – Have been dipping coal about 9 years. Have worked in Northumberland level. At [?Bacurnth]. That is a [?] coal country. Did not see much fire there a little [?] not a great lot. [?My] empty