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and remaining said swans gently but firmly from the premises. I have found my real calling as a drummer in an orchestra. Give me a couple of drums, triangles, bells and motar horn and I'm guaranteed to make green Mary move like a San Franciscan cocotu. Out of doors to chief amusement in golf but late on will get some tennis and baking. Winsop has just got command of the 1st (B.C.) Reserves and I suppose his fixed allright for the duration. Beverly Rhodes is with him but has no job at present: he is also one of the golfing fraternity. Will you he very sweet and do something for me? When I left Vancouver I left my songs with either the Beazleys or Mary Pyfns. Will you phone them up and send them to me addressed in case of my being moved to my people's address: Ivesh Ho, Horflake, Bhahire, Romdes, tho Pincho's neice who married a Fitz Hubert but has produced a daughter. I haven't seen Bert Peshi since he was married : just as well for him as I think he would have had some straight words from me for the way he treated "Bats". John Daih and his wife were down here last week and had a long talk with her at this Annce. Lady Burrie honors us at some of the dances and of course there's a mild rush to flirt her around the room. As a matter of fact she doesn't dance badly. She is living at Brighton which is only a few

BC Archives, MS-0089, Box 1, File 6 GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver. Correspondence inward, 1918