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Crucified, the Garden of Gethsemanethe , Mount of Olives and all the notable places. I must say that I am a sceptic about the location of all these places. It was centuries after Christ died before anyone took any real interest in him and how at that late date they can or could identify the very spot beats me. However one spot is as good as another if you are in the mood to believe. At any rate I am a very close student of the bible now and have found things in it that I never knew existed.

I have not seen any Canadians at all out here. I seem to be almost the only representative of Canada in this part of the world. I am at present writing in a private coach on the railway somewhere in Palestine and the jackals howl outside my windows.

Poor Old Bill Brougham He is some sport. His own worst enemy. Always had a fancy for the ladies, perfect ladies suited him better. He was always free with his money when he had it and should have been in possession of a large income. I always was and always will be I hope a good friend of Bill's.

What do you think of George Rodney. Mrs. W describes him as "the only child" but of course all our babies in turn have been that and it will be a sorry day for the world when it is otherwise.

How are your Father and Mother: I want you to give them both my very best and Kindest regards. I have not got my eye yet on any man out here who would quite measure

BC Archives, MS-0089 Box 1 File 6 / GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver Correspondence inward, 1918.