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E D L531 98

c/o Bank of Montreal
9 Waterton Place
London SW1
26 August 1917

Well damn you, how the [?] are you, old Girl?

I blooming well made up my blank mind not to initiate any more epistles, long or short; to you, after the insulting remarks made about my writing, in your last letter. My writing is damn good & a jolly sight better that your typewriting, though, dear old girl, stick to the typewriter, never go back to the pen. I've got one of your letters - written with a pen - framed at home & labelled "Egyptian Hieroglyphics of the 3rd Dynasty" & it's a great attraction.

I just love the bits of scandal in your letters - get it all mixed up together , & at present I'm not certain whether Frank went to York after Dorothy [?} Longstaffe or [?] baby had [?]head & mouth but anyhow it's jolly interesting - [?] tell me some more.

Who is your love young woman? [?] do you mean by thinking of [?] [?] on this blinking old world of ours. You're in love with me remember, & I was just wondering the other day whether I'd go back to Vancouver after the war [?] you, but I'm now beginning to have my doubts.

So you heard I was engaged did you? Who was the gent from [?] with that interesting little bit of news [?] from. No, I'm not engaged yet to any female.

BC Archives, MS-0089
Box 1, File 5
GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver.
Correspondence inward, 1917.