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I'll never forget you, old girl, coming to see me, when I was in Havana's[?} hospital, kneeling down by my bed crying, then you told me first about the Gill affair- You were a plucky girl. I don't think my other girl [?} family have [?] the way [?] you had them, + help as cheery object - with it all. I always admired you, but at no time more than then. I'd have done anything to help you.

Well, I must stop now, get on with preparing my lectures, so are revised till I'm like blonde millionaire + heal of the blooming by Institution called the British Ang.

Right his, I'll keep up my [?}, you needed way, its quite capable

Good luck old darling lots of love Yours Bernie

If ever you see [?] or her WIlma[?] give them my love will you. Tell we all the news about them when youd next write

BC Archives, MS-0089 Box 1 File 4

GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver Correspondence inward, 1916.