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within 12 months? a: Not that I know of

J: Has inflammable gas been found there within twelve months? a: Yes

J: are any naked lights used in No 6 mine?

a: One naked light was used on the level.

J: Was that on the return airway? a: No, sir.

J: Whereabouts was it used? a: It was used from the outside of the level [??] No 6 stall From the entrance of the level to No 6 stall

J: That is not on the return airway at all?

a: No sir.

J: Nor is it contiguous [?] to it in the vicinity of it! a: [?] quite a way off the return airway.

J: You know there is a rule that where coal is marked with safety lamps, no [active?] light should be used in the same ventilating district. Now was the naked light used in the same ventilating district. where the safety lamps were required to be used? a: It was in the same district, but with lots of fresh air in the level; lots of it.

J: It was in the same district? a: It was in the same district.

J: Was it used between where the safety lamps are used and the return airway?

a: No, on the lower side of the safety lamps.

J: Were you through the second South level that day? a: Between 10 & 11 o clock sometime, but I couldn't tell the exact time.

J: Did you detect gas? a: I [got?] a little gas into the level, and I gave instructions to Harry King to take a little corner off that was keeping the air away from this little cavity in the [raaf?], and I understand, as you will find later on, that what corner was taken off and the gas went away. There was a little [gab?] in No. 7 in the hollow of that cave.

BC Archives GR-0431 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Box 6 File 3 / Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.