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town. Spent rest of the day at the Willows doing odd things May 24, 1916. [Eurpire ?] of Victoria Day. [Posned ?] through Kamloops - [Muis?] meals served to [illegible] by [couiuuessariar ?] car in their own cars - Food excellent. 1 platoon in each car. Officers very comfortable food reception in [Kamloops]. Delayed about 2 hours east of Keefers by break down of [Eugiue ?] having overhauled No 1 train at Keefers - Day five. May 25. Passed thro' Rockies- Reached Calgary at 12.10 [Had ?] a short march escorted by troop of [name] [name] of 85th. At Medicine Hat had a short march at about 5 pm in rain and mud. snowed later. May 26. At Brandon at 12.40 short march. through town. very fine - streets clean Winnipeg 515 pm. March thro' town - Major Cooper [illegible] Sewell [name] reported that [name] [illegible] [Hughes ?] very pleased with [illegible]. [Great ?] times at [Keuora] at 11 pm. May 27. Sat. Lovely day. Arrd Fort Wos'