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[?]ards Brigade, presented yesterday morning[?] to the Garde Republicaine, at its headquarters[?] in the Caserne des Celestins, Boulevard[?] Henri IV., a bronze wreath, to be[?] placed at the foot of the memorial to [?] soldiers of the corps who have fallen in[?] defence of their country. This wreath places one of flowers and verdure which is[?] attached to the memorial by Captain Mackenzie[?] Rogan on May 25 last, on the [?]asion of the visit of the massed bands the Guards Brigade to Paris, when [?]h an enthusiastic welcome was give to them[?] by the French civil and military authorities[?] and the public.

The ceremony of yesterday morning, which was as impressive as it was simple and brief, took place in the parade court the barracks. Colonel Leroy Lewis, [?] British Military Attache in Paris, [?] Captain Mackenzie Rogan there and [?]