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A. No.

Q. Is he related to Sing-a cousin?

A. No; just friend; just knowed him.

Q. Did he ever say to any person that he was afraid of his life in that house ?

Mr. Gillan objects.

Q. Ask him if he was ever threatened ?

A. He say no.

Q. Who else stays in this house ?

A. He said two men up stairs sleep there.

Q. Who are they ?

A. Tom, he say people call him Tom.

Q. Who was the other one ?

A. Him.

Q. Himself-just the two sleep up stairs ?

A. Yes.

Q. Ask him where the rest of the boys sleep ?

A. Downstairs.

Q. Where does Ray sleep ?

A. Downstairs.

Q. Just he and Tom sleep upstairs ?

A. Yes.

Q. How many are staying in the house altogether ?

A. He says he could not say how many in the house; he's working; could not say how many.

Q. How many did he ordinarily see there ?

A. He say about four or five down stairs and two up stairs.

Q. Two Up stairs-that would be seven would it ?

A? Four or five he could not say how many.

Q. He just. guessed at four or five-- there's these two men here )pointing to the prisoners), and who else?

A. Tom and Joe.

Q. Tom and Joe, and who else ?

A. Pon and Hung Wong .

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 95 File 1903/18 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Attorney General documents.