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A/ Yes; in a room upstairs, off from the head of the stairs.

Q. On what street ?

A. I can't tell you what ?

Q. What is it commonly known ?

A. The Bowery, I believe. I don't know the names of the street in town.

Q. Did you examine the body of the deceased ?

A. Yes.

Q. What did you find ?

A. Well, I made a casual examination and my suspicions were aroused. The throat, the thyroid cartilage was pushed upwards and forward; in other words there was a stifness underneath the chin which ordinarily don't exist in health- in fact is incompatible with health.

Q. A closer examination revealed what ?

A. A disclocation between the thyroid and the hyoid bone; the hyoid and thyroid membrane.

Q. Any further marks or abrasions ?

A. There were four/

Q. external in character ?

A. External in character-superficial, through the skin.

Q. What would you think they had been made by, Doctor ?

A. It could have been made by a Tooth-pick. (Mr. Gillan objects to the question, and asks that it be stricken out,) Mr. Devitt:- I only want the doctor's opinion. Witness:- It could have been caused by the finger-nails, a tooth-pick, or anyhing.

Q. You also performed an autopsy ?

A/ I did.

Q. When was this, Doctor ?

A. That would be the 18th., I think-yes 18th., the following day.

Q. At the request of whom.

Bc Archives GR-0419 Box 95 File 1903/18 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Attorney General documents.