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telegraphs, as I had my own, that I sent you, returned yesterday with the letter taken out. Some d-d silly regulation. I shall try again as soon as we leave here. Do you remember a Capt. Harker, in the King's Royal Rifles, he said he knew you quite well in Vancouver, used to dance with you. He is a pal of mine too. By the way I am sorry to say that neither Jones or his wife are in a position to say that they are my friends. They both did a great wrong to one of my best pals. I do not want to wash dirty linen, but you may show them this letter if you like. I am very glad that they did not have to erect a tombstone over you, are the virtues so hard to find? I also have a nasty hacking cough from cigarettes, but I would rather keep it than give them up at poresent.

You don't seem to have much luck in your trips away from home, but I expect you are having a pretty good time for all that.

I think that you are either wrong in your estimate of my age or I am wrong about yours, I have reached an rather phair[?] [?], the mature age of 32 in June, whereas, I set you down as being about 25, am I right? Whatever it is, a girl who can write such delightful letters must be delightful and charming as I know you are, good old Dodie

BC Archives, MS-0089 Box 1 File 4 / GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver Correspondence inward, 1916.