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  1. 13


on the bridge he started to help me along the other bridge. Mrs Mitchell came around and retracted and put me in dry clothes and gave me painkiller. I thought no sooner than I got better I went home. I have heard a great many stories since. I have read a great many. I can say, standing here with my hand on this Bible there was no light; there was a light of no colour, of no colour on the bridge, so help me God. There was no light. There was nothing to tell us there was danger ahead. I was sitting there and I looked out through that windshield. I have learned since they had a light on the top of the bridge. I was not looking at the top of the bridge. I was looking straight ahead of me where the light should be. If there had been a light on all these gates it is possible we would likely detect it. If the driver would not have stopped I would have. It is said he was dead when he struck the water. George Smith was just as sober as I am, only there was no lights on the bridge. Coroner;- What did he do when he saw the danger? A;- That was when we were twenty or twenty-five feet from the gate. The gate just loomed in sight all at one. He closed the throttle and grabbed the emergency brake, and he said "Oh, my God", and that's the last word I heard him say. Q;- You heard him say that? A;- Yes. Mr Cowan;- You say you were out at Ladner? A;- Yes. Q;- Where did you say? A;- I was working for Mr Scott five miles down to Mr Fox's barn baling bailing hay. Q;- And you left Ladner at four o'clock and arrived at Ladner when? A;- I was just in time to catch the boat? [[.]] Q;- Six? A;- Six. Q;- How long did it take you to come in? would it take two hours to come in from Ladner? A;- Well, you see, I; Q;- Would it take you two hours? A;- I stopped on the road.