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Third Session held at Municipal Hall, South Vancouver, B.C. 10.00 A.M. November 18th., 1916.

At this session of the Inquest, evidence touching the death of Arno Elbert Willcock was heard.

Court opened in due form by the Coroner. Coroner;- Now, gentlemen, another body, the body of this last man has been recovered, this Mr Willcock. In order to bring him into the case it is necessary for the jury to view the body, so we will just walk down to the undertakers to view the body, and return, and to finish up by noon, get at it directly and quickly. Jury viewed the body of Arno Elbert Willcock at Messrs Hamilton Bros. undertaking parlors, and returned to the Municipal Hall to hear the evidence. Coroner;- We will proceed to hear and take down evidence in the case. We have had thirteen witnesses already. We will now start to take the fourteenth. In regard to the body of Arno E. Willcock. Who is the next witness? Officer;- Constable, call Mr Hutchison. Mr Hutchison, come forward. Coroner;- What is your name, Mr Hutchison? A;- Henry Hutchison. Q;- And your address, Mr Hutchison? A;- 335 Dufferin Street East, Vancouver. Q;- And your occupation? A;- Machinist. Witness duly sworn: Coroner;- Just tell the jury what you know. Witness;- Well, gentlemen, to start with, I have been working over in the Ladner District with Mr Scott. I left Mr Scott's place at four o'clock in the afternoon, Saturday afternoon. I changed myself and I walked in which is five miles, into Ladner's to catch this six o'clock ferry, and was just in time to get in his automobile. We crossed the river and I boarded the jitney that runs between Fraser Avenue here and Ladner Ferry. Mr Smith was driving the auto.