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  1. 8


know why he mentioned that. Q;- Did he come down in the jitney? A;- Yes; the jitney hadn't gone. Mr Ladner;- Are you quite positive Mr Hutchison said he had four drinks of beer> What condition was he in? A;- He didn't seem the worse of liquor from experience. Coroner;- Did you observe the lights on the bridge? A;- Yes; I happened to see it when I went out form the house. Q;- There's no question about the lights? A;- No; there's no question about the lights. Mr Cowan;- About what time? A;- I didn't make any note. I got in the boat as soon as I could I should judge around seven o'clock.

  1. 9 Thomas Shortreed, Edmunds, B.C. carpenter, being duly sworn, saith:
Well, we crossed on the six o'clock ferry that leaves Ladner, and as soon as we got on the jitneys we landed at the Woodwards Landing. I think we made one or two stops on the way. I don't remember. I didn't pay much attention. I was sitting in the back, in the bask seat of the jitney, in the middle seat, a man on each side of me. The first I noticed of anything being wrong I heard someone cry out. I don't know whether they were in the jitney or coming on the bridge, and immediately we struck the gates and went over into the river.

Coroner;- Have the jury any questions to ask? Juror;- The gate was shut? A;- I didn't see the gate at all. From where I sat in the jitney I would not be in a position to see it because the man was sitting in the center of the seat right in front of me or close to me, without I was trying to look back. Q;- Could you locate the red light on the bridge from where you were sitting? A;- Perhaps if I had been trying I could. Q;- You didn't see them> A;- I happened to be looking out at the rightside through the window,