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Q: Does he know that match box? A: No, belong to me. Q: Are those Chinese cigarettes in there? A: Yes, that is Chinese cigarettes, but I don't know where it come from. Q: Who does it belong to? A: I didn't see. I don't know who put it all there. Q: Has he ever seen it before? A: I didn't see the box at all. Q: Does he ever strike a match in the mine? A: No, never; I have no match. Q: Does he ever see Chinamen smoke in the mine? A: No, I see no man smoke. Q: At any time? A: I never seen one. Q: Has he ever seen a Chinaman try to open a safety lamp? A: I didn't see no one; I never see one. Q: Has he ever seen a Chinaman fire a shot? A: No, I do my own business. Q: Has he ever seen a Chinaman fire a shot? A: No? I didn't see it. Q: When was the last shot fired before the explosion? A: No, I don't know anything about that. Q: Who fires the shots in the mine? A: I don't know, but but in my stall the fire boss fire the shots fire the shots. Q: Has he ever fired a shot when the fire boss was away? A: No, daresn't until the fire boss come. Q: Lots of ventilation; lots of wind in mine? A: Yes, winds blow very hard. Q: Much gas there that night, before the explosion? A: I don't see none. Q: Does he know what gas it? A: Yes. I understand but I can't see. Q: Does he know when there is gas in the mine, without seeing? A: I don't understand much. Fire boss he tell me all right, go to work. Q: Did fire boss tell him to go to work that day? A: Yes, fire boss tell him his stall is all right. Q: Does he at any time hold up the lamp for gas? A: I don't understand how it is but I am frightened; if I do it wrong way, it is explosion. Q: Who examined his place before he started to work that day? A: Yes, I get in my stall. Q: All good that day? A: Yes, stall all right that day. By Mr. Pooley: - This Chinaman says he got that lamp from some place. I want to know what part of the mine he got that lamp from? A: About 14 or 15 yards from No. 3 Incline. Q: Who gave him the lamp or did he get it himself? A: Since he go to work, the boss he took it himself. By a Juror: - According to his evidence he says that lamp was given to him. I understand the interpreter to say that the boss had given him that lamp and told him it was unlocked. The Coroner: - Ask him who gave him that lamp. A: No, the boss gave it to me. The boss see the lamp hanging up and that he take it himself. Q: Did his boss tell him the lamp was unlocked? A: He never have a light and it was not locked. By a Juror: - Was his boss a Chinaman? A: A Chinaman. By Mr. Hall: - Does he know who was the driver in that level? A: Yes, I know, but the driver was dying. Q: What was his name? A: When I see him, I know but I don't know his name. Q: Was his name Quon Ching Loo? A: I don't know. Q: A: Q:

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