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By Mr. Pooley: - What were the shots charged with? A: Giant powder. Q: You went up to the head of No. 6 shortly before you left that evening? A: Yes. Q: What time was that? A: Probably about five or ten minutes to five o'clock. Q: Was everything in safe condition when you left? A: In quite safe condition. I stopped about ten minutes in that place. Q: Where did you go then? A: To the north side. Q: And you returned about the time of the explosion? A: Yes. Q: What happened? A: I was knocked over. Q: Not otherwise injured? A: No. Q: In this No. 6 heading, which you had seen clear at ten minutes to five, you found a big "squeeze"? A: Yes. Q: Any gas there? A: Yes; couldn't get into it for gas. Q: And you have stated your belief that it was there the explosion originated? A: Yes, by the appearance of the timbers both sides. By a Juror: - Did you fire any shots in No. 6 place? A: Didn't have any shots in it; dug all the coal with a pick. Mr. Hall: - Was there anything in the work which you were doing when you were there last to cause a body of gas to rapidly form in the roof? A: No. Q: What was the last place you fired a shot? A: No. 3. Q: How far was that from the scene of the explosion? A: About 50 yards, I guess or 60. Q: You remember the Chinamen who you think were in the place where the explosion originated? A: Yes. Q: Do you know their names? A: No. Q: They were both killed? A: Yes. Q: How far was that man with the naked light from the place where you fired the last shot? How near did his duty bring him to that place? A: He was about 60 yards from the faces. Q: Id that the nearest at any time that he would be? A: To any of the faces. Q: According to the Rules would that be in the prohibited area? A: You see there is a certain quantity of air comes into the level. Q: But was that light carried in the mine in that area in which the air flows in that district? A: That was in that district. Q: You are acquainted with these rules? A: Yes. Q: How is it that you allowed a man there with a naked light? A: That light was not in the return airway. I said it was in that district, but it was not in the return airway. Q: Are you sure that both the miner and the helper understood what you said to them? A: Yes, perfectly. Q: Do you know the names of both these men? A: No, I don't know one of their names. Q: Will you swear to that, that both the miner and helper knew and understood what you told them? A: Yes, sir.