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the moon got obstreperously large when at 10 .p.m. bang went the beastly "[unintelligible]" of warning: Dear Old Mother was just sitting up in bed quietly drinking her milk food — but it didn't take her long to scramble into her "garments" & crawl down to the "Dug-but." Mittie was in the bath!! I about to go there — so I placed on a "london cap" which was born & bred in Vancouver & joined the motley crew in the kitchen. You really ought to see our procession downstairs — in those of less dressing-gowns, with an electric torch to guide us & someone hugging the brandy bottle & possibly an eider-down being taken along. –– was out to dinner — but soon sped down to us on his bicycle. There we sat drinking tea & trying to be cheerie till the "All Clear" — and about 1 p.m. Sunday night "Hity" was up to schedule time once again — up went the "Maison" at 10 & down we all trooped for a repetition on Sarurday — but on Monday I was dead-beat & went to lie down after supper till 8.45 — when "they" arrived