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  1. 2 21 25 Coroner;– Do you know whether there is such a law? A;– I suppose there is. Mr Beck;– Then a bridge tender should know it ? A;– I know when they are going too fast sir. Q;– You don't know whether there is any law regarding the speed going over the bridge? A;– I don't know the law really. Q;– You have stated that you frequently warn automobiles for going too fast? A;– Yes. Q;- That is as far as you have gone? A;– Yes. Q;– You were given no rules regarding the opening of the bridge? A;– I had a paper given to me. Q;– When was that? A;– At the time the lights were given me. Q;– How long after? A;– Not many weeks. Q;– Was the paper given by the Municipality or by a Government official? A;– That I don't know. I guess he would be. He told me how many and where they were to go. Q;– You don't know whether that man was connected with the municipality or not? A;– I guess he was. Q;– Has the municipality an inspector of bridges? Is my question not clear to you? Has the Municipality any bridge inspector? A;– I don't know whether they have one. Q;– In the six years you have been there? A;– Not that I am aware of. Q;– Did you ever have any body tell you he was an inspector A;– Not on that bridge. Q;– You say the draw was already set for the boat when the automobile wnet into the water? A;– It was before the automobile came on the bridge at all. Q;– It remained that way apparently in place for the boat BC Archives GR-0431 British Columbia. Attorney General. Box 10 File 4 Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.