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Q Do you know the two accused?

A I do.

Q I want you to relate to the Court what occurred on the 27th June in which the two accused figured.

A Well about 1.45 on the morning of 28th June, there was a Chinaman came running along Powell Street East toward Dunlevy Avenue; I saw him coming around, and I stopped him and asked him what was wrong; he pointed for me to go down Dunlevy Avenue, North, and the witness here came up and said "there is something wrong."

MR RUSSELL: How does he know what the Chinaman said; did he speak English?

Q Did the Chinaman speak English?

A No sir; he pointed to come down. I went down there and I saw three Chinamen, about fifty yards south of the C.P.R. tracks coming up Dunlevy Street; them two was carrying a gun apiece they had a bag, and I questioned them what they had in the bags; they made no reply, then the two pulled revolvers: Lee Sing he pointed a revolver at me and he made a move to get something out of his pocket.

Q Pointed a revolver at whom?

A He put his hand in his pocket, and I took no chances with him; There was a revolver right in front of my stomach; I came down with my baton and his revolver dropped and he said something in Chinese to the other Chinaman and the other Chinaman threw his revolver in the bushes; we then got into a scrap.

Q Which revolver was it was pointed at you; whose was it:

A Lee Sing's.

Q Which is Lee Sing?

A The stout one.

Q He had a nickle plated revolver?

A Yes.

MR KENNEDY: I will ask to have this revolver marked as Exhibit "A" for identification. (Revolver introduced into evidence and marked Exhibit "A" for identification)