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Richard Short, overman. Sworn:- By Mr. Potts:- Did you assist in the rescue of the Chinese killed in No. 6 on July 15th last? A: Yes. Q: What part did you take, Mr. Short? A: First of all I went into fix up some curtains to conduct the air; after that we proceeded to the stalls and found the two Chinamen alive and took them down to where the fresh air was, and then proceeded in the level to find if there was any fire. Q: Did you find any fire? A: Yes, I think there was a coat that was on fire; that was all, about No. 8 or No. 9, somewhere about that. Then after that we sent to get up the dead bodies. Q: Did you visit the scene of the explosion? A: Yes; of course there was indications all round there of an explosion. Q: Where, in your opinion, did the explosion occur? A: Mr. Matthews invited us after we got out all the bodies, to go and examine the place, and find out if there was any idea of where the fire started, and we came to the conclusion unanimously that it started somewhere about No. 6, from the indications of the way the wood was lying thrown from No. 6, each way. Q: Was that where the cave was? A: Yes, the cave was one side of it. Q: Were you able to form an opinion as to whether the fire occurred before or after the cave? A: We had reason to believe that it occurred before, because the Chinaman was under it. Q: Are you able to form an opinion as to the cause of the explosion? A: No, I can't. Of course we know there was an explosion of gas; but as to the cause of it, we can't say; it must have been a light that caused the fire. Q: Did you find anything around there that would ignite the gas? A: No, but judging from that lamp "A" there, it looks very strongly as ff something there had done it. Q: That is Lamp, Exhibit A. A: Yes. Q: Is that the one that you found? A: I didn't find any.