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[CORONER] 41/19



An Inquisition indented taken at Cumberland British Columbia, the 27th day of February, in 1919 year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord the King, before me, Joseph Shaw, gentleman, one of the Coroners for our Lord the King, for the District aforesaid, upon the view of the body's of Lee Gee & Yong Gow, then and there and within the jurisdiction of the said Coroner, lying dead, upon the oaths of

William Henderson Foreman G. D Webster E.a. Jones G.P Willis J.J. Harwood Charles Reynolds

good and lawful men of Cumberland B.C., aforesaid , in the said County of Nanaimo, who being now here sworn and charged to inquire, on the part of our said Lord the King, when, where, how, and after what manner, the said came to his death upon their oath, that we, your jury in pannelled to inquire into the cause of death of Lee Gee and Young Gow. [said?] by evidence, adduced before us that the said Lee [Gee?] and young Gow, on the 24th and 25th of February [nineteen] hundred and nineteen (1919) at a certain place, known as no 4 yard situated near Cumberland B.C. came to their deaths, as the result of a Railway collision and we the Jury/over

BC Archives GR-0431 BRITISH COLUMBIA, ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 12 File 1 Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.