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rather, by the Police in the City of Vancouver, was it not?

A I believe so? I was instructed by the police that such was the case.

Q You received your knowledge from what the police told you?

A Correct.

Q So that so far as your knowledge goes, or information, these Chinamen, the accused, had this opium on Canadian soil, in the City of Vancouver?

A Yes.

Q Where it came from or how it came to be in their possession, you have no personal knowledge?

A No.

MR C. E. WORSROP: I would like to say that when I opened these tins and looked inside, the cans were all wet. The outside tins were very much stained, and had evidently been under water.

MR KENNEDY: You say this Opium was hold of seizure, on account of having been smuggled.

MR RUSSELL: You need not suggest his answer, there is no necessity for it.

A I seized these goods and had reasonable ground of suspicion that they were smuggled.

Q In defiance of what?

A In defiance of the Acts respecting Customs.

MR KENNEDY: Put these shells in as Exhibit "E"

MR RUSSELL: I move for a dismissal of the charge. The charge is laid under section 117. We have no evidence in this case that the goods were smuggled into Canada at all. We have simply a suspicion, it is the suspicion of the Officer of Customs that they were so smuggled, and acting upon what he presumed was his authority, he complained and had these goods seized. The only information we have is what he says the Police told him. He did not claim that the Police told him anything more than the police have given in evidence, and that evidence is that they found these Chinamen in possession of the goods in the City of Vancouver.


Box 143 File 1910/58 Attorney General documents.