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14 February (14 to 16) 14 Monday (43-331) 2nd Month 1916

By motor to St. Davids (700) smallest city in Britain

Present restoration of Cathedral commenced 1180 - First Bishop St. David 519 - Bishop's Palace in ruins, lead stripped from roof by Wm. Barlow, to cower his daughter. Go with Coastguard officer Maggridge, and are received by C.P.O. at St. David's - call on the old [boy?] - Baell by Haverfordwest - a quaint old town . Colonel Ewan has gramophone up for me after dinner - keeps me talking until 12.30. 27 miles to St. David's via Broad Haven, 32 returning by Haverfordwest.

15 Tuesday (46-320)

On Duty in F.C. Post Stormy, squally weather Receive from Maj. Gordon certificate stating that I have qualified for Armament Pay 14/1/16 - 1 shilling per day extra. Germans break thru over 600 metres front at Ypres.

16 Wednesday (47-319)

Tide being low walk to South Hook Fort via St. Ishmaels + Sandy Haven - Walker in equal state of disgust at our inaction - thinking of transferring to the Heavies. Maj. Gordon entertaining the ladies of sorts - and rather mellow. Take the back road home- call for afternoon tea at Dale Vicarage - very fine house - three times the size of the church - Receive photos form BC

BC Archives, MS-0392 Frank Swannell Papers

Box 1 Diary and enclosures, 1916. Volume 5