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over a thousand dollars. How that Frank got into the Hotel for I understand a considerable amount "Turkey" is selling. He had his apparently. Why did he not play fair? ??? is now in Ottawa staying with his mother and sister Mrs Watts. If you are writing her and I wish you would her address is C/O Mr R Watts 168 Powell Ave Ottawa

Well Dodie I hope you are quite well and that you are having a good jolly time. Please write one of your nice long newsy letters. I love to hear from you. I was waiting. I was promoted to Capt. + Adjutant of this Battalion which by the way is now known as 3rd Battalion Canadian ??? Troops B.E.F. France

My Captaincy is now passing through usual routine channels so address me as Lieut. until I advise you otherwise. I wish all good wishes to Ruth, your mother, father + yourself. Yours Sincerely, Clarence