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August [7 to 9] 7 MONDAY [220-146] 8th Month 1916

Bank Holiday. Royal Academy closes

Nurses get the Doctors in & won't let me up-Prescribe some medicine. Canadian Padre in to see me. Last night MG. officer, who is speechless walks in his sleep & falls on his face on the corridor floor-Night sister & I carry him to his bed. The boy can speak next day. Elsie Gill calls in evening, but I am not allowed out.

8 TUESDAY [221-145]

United Service Museum in morning & House of Parliament afternoon. Evening Take a blinded Northumberland Fusilier -Price- out in garden behind - only a mere lad- Nurse tracks Murphy & I down with the medicine much to the amusement of the Tommy Patients Pretty well all in today -

12 miles from Stanislau; 2,000 prisoners. British attack on outskirts of Guillemont; French advance east of Hill 139, north of Hardecourt. French carry a line of German trenches between Hem Wood and the Somme to the east of Monacu Farm. More French progress south of the Thiaumont Work and in Fleury.

August 8.----General Lechitsky carries Tysmienica, six miles from Stanislau; 7,400 prisoners. British move against Guillemont continues; south-west of village line advance 400 yards. French capture line of German trenches on front of 3 3/4 miles north of the Somme. Fierce fighting at Verdun; Germans gain and lose Thiaumont Work. Portugal's resolve to extend her military cooperation to Europe announced.

August 9.----Fall of Gorizia to the Italians; the Isonzo crossed and the Austrians pursued; Italians occupy the hills of the Rosenthal and the Vertoibica line; total prisoners to date 12,000. Russians gain the junction of Chryplin, two miles from Stanislau. British gain 200 yards on a frontage of 600 yards, north-west of Pozieres. French advance north of Hem Wood. French guns bombard Doiran on Serbo-Greek frontier. Turkish counter-attack, Sinai Peninsula, repulsed. Zeppelin raid on East Coast; 22 casualties.

BC Archives, MS-0392 FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS Box 1 Diary and enclosures, 1916. Volume 5