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168.Q Do you know whether or not any convictions have ever been entered against this game? (Russell) That is in the records and it is not for this witness to prove. 169.Q. You found this ten dollar bill ? A. Yes. 170.Q. Ex. I? A. Yes. It was thrown away by the Chinaman that officer McDade had caught among with the other money that Detective Mulhern picked up on the floor. Cross-examination by Russell. 171.Q. You did not mean that you would corroborate all the evidence of officer Fulton and officer Mulhern.? A. Not in regard to the going to the place and the conversation that detective Mulhern with this man;—that,I don't know anything about. 172 Q Officer Fulton and the conversation he had, you did not hear? A Yes. 173.Q. There are lots of little things you can't corroborate? A, Exactly. 174.Q. Have you playes a good deal of fantan? A. I never did play it. I was just showing how it was played to the best of my knowledge. 175.Q Can you and I play a little game of fantan? A.Perhaps. 376.Q Is there any reason why you and I should not? A. No; if you have the money. 177.Q. Is there any reason why this game could not be played with the two of us alone? A. You could be the dealer and I could be the player. 178.Q. Is there any reason why this game could not be played by us two alone? A. No. 179.Q. We may take in police court prosecutor Farris and have a three-handed game? A- Yes. 180.Q. In playing the game alone would I have any advantage over you because I had the implements? A' You would not. 181.Q. If we were playing alone the advantages would be equal? BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 106 File 1905/9 Attorney General documents.