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Q And than how many chinamen do you think would be in F00 Long's, place? A In the afternoon? Q Yes,in the afternoon? A. I should Judge there were six or seven. Q. What were they all doing? A.. There were two or three of them, lying asleep or kind of half asleep, smoking a pipe, and this chinaman . Q. The accused? A. Yes, was stanidng kind of corner-ways , with the table where he could look down the street, eating and I came in there, kind of quiet, and I came on them all of a sudden. And when I went inside of the door he kind of turned like that. So I could not see his face. Q That is he turned his back to you. .A. Yes. sir, he was. sideways and he tunred his back to me. And I said Mr Waddell, — and I looked at the chinaman on this side, and that side, and I said Mr J. objected. Argument. Q. Court: Could the accused hear? A. Yes, I was then up close to him. Q And will you tell what conversation you had, and everything? Everything that occurred? And you can now tell what you said to Mr. Waddell, and all? A. And I said, They are not the men, the chinamen, I know them." And I looked at those of the other side, and I said, "They are not the men, for I know them too." And I said, "this must be him". And I turned him around. And I said, "that is the man". And I took out my hand-cuffs and put them on him. Q. And what did the accused have to say? A. I asked the accused where he came from, and he said he was working ---- Q Mr. J:- And do you speak Chinese? A. I spoke in English,

BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 124 File 1908/7 Attorney General documents.