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Q. Which side, where did the bullet hit you? A. The first shot struck me there. And it struck me there, and came out and went in there. And lead through there. Q. Well, describe that a little more specifically, — this is only a preliminary hearing, — it struck you at the bottom of the chin? A. Ye s sir. And came out there.

 Q. Underneath your chin?    A. Yes sir,----and entering again

took a direction, and was taken out at the point of the bone.
Q. An d what happened after the shots were fired,-- Mr. Mcleod?
Court:- He was on this side of you?    A. Yes sir,  on my

right hand side, going towards Chinatown. Q Did you fall? |A. Yes sir, just to my knees. Q. And the chinaman what became of him? A. He started to run. Q. And what did you do? A. I got up and started to blow my whistle, and I went towards town. Q And how far did you get before you got assistance':" A. Knowlton's Drug Store. Q. And how was this Chinaman dressed? — Did he have an overcoat on or anything —? Mr J. No, just,-----it is very important. Witness:- Felt hat. Q. How was he dressed? A. Over coat, and soft felt hat. Q Well, will you state to the Court whether you ever saw this chinaman in the dock before? A. Yes sir, that is the Chinaman.

Q  The. chinaman that what?  .A. Did the shooting. Q.  On that morning of the 18th?    A. Yes sir.

§. You referred a moment ago to the first shot? ----Do I understand that there is one or two shots fired? A. I only heard one report, — but after I got to the Hospital I found that I had been shot in the leg. It lust touched the skin. BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 124 File 1908/7 Attorney General documents.