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Q Apart from the lung trouble, you could'nt tell whether he was in a healthy condition at the time you examined him ? A. Well, there is just this about it: a man is guided and governed by symptoms in a way. It's not every day that a man complains of his chest. Q, Did you examine his scrotum and his bowels? A. Not at that time. Q Well is it not necessary, when one is in that advanced stage of consumption, for a physician to visit him once in a while ? A Which ? Q Only about six months of life-isn't it necessary for the physician to see to him ? A Not always necessary- it was'nt in this case. Q It was'nt in this case ? A. No. There's this about it: I left it discretionary with the boys; if they wanted me I was most delighted to have gone. Q Doctors always are in such cases ? A Yes. Q Now the next time you saw him was when you were called to perform the autopsy on his body? A Yes. Q When did you see him then ? A It was midday about twelve o'clock, perhaps a little before twelve, on the seventeenth. Q. Where did you see him then  ? A. Saw him in bed. Q In the house where he died .  : A I presume he died there. Q. How did you come to go in there that day ? A. On request of his Worship, the Mayor. I met Mr. Schofield going up the street, and he said In your capacity as health officer, take a run over there and disinfect that BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 95 File 1903/18 Attorney General documents.