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COURT: Mr/ Taylor, do you wish to cross-examine? MR TAYLOR: We will reserve our defence. MR. POWELL: I will call Haw Fat, and I wish to have his refusal to cross-examine as each witness is produced. COURT: The three witnesses are here, you don't propose to cross-examine any of them ? A No. MR. POWELL: I propose putting each witness in the t>ox. Under the Act the counsel has to have a full opportunity given him of examining each witness. COURT: This one is Haw Fat Chung. Court asks interpreter to tell witness he is bound over to appear in another Court to give evidence herein. Witness acknowledges obligation. MR POWELL: Your Honor, I would like it specifically put to my learned friend that he does not intend to cross-examine this witness. I wish to have it exact. COURT: (Addressing Mr. Taylor) You do decline to cross-examine this witness? MR. TAYLOR: I do, your Honor. WONG WING FOOK called. COURT: I suppose you decline to cross-examine this witness, Mr Taylor  ? MR TAYLOR: YES, my reason for that is I am not sufficiently well acquainted with the material and I therefore do not deem it wise to plunge before I know what I am doing. COURT: We are not concerned with your reasons you have a perfect right to do as you like. BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 100 File 1904/10 Attorney General documents.