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Q What condition as regards his health would you say this man was in  ? A I would say he was a healthy man. Q No other ? A No, Q And there were no other assisting causes of any kind  ? A Not that I can discover, MR TAYLOR: I don't wont to cross-examine at all. Court binds Dr. Robertson over to appear in another Court and give evidence herein. MR. POWELL I ask that we adjourn until this afternoon, I may say that completes the Chinese witnesses for the prosecution. We have but one other witness Seargent Walkerr, and outside of Seargent Walker we have no evidence. We will have the other witnesses here for the purpose of cross-examination.. MR MORESBY I might add, we would have had the Seargent here, if we had known which constable it was- that is on the point of these three iron bars. Court adjourned till 2:00 p.m. Police Court, Victoria, B. C., 18th February, 1904. 2:00P.M. PURSUANT to adjournment the Court met at 2:00 P.MM, all parties being present as before.

MR POWELL: That completes the list of our evidence Your Honor. We have decided not to call anymore. Our three witnesses are here for cross-examination. BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 100 File 1904/10 Attorney General documents.