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Q Was there any other bruise about the body ? A Below the right shoulder, on the front aspect of the arm there was another small bruise. Two bruises in fact, separated about an inch apart. Q Was there anything else the matter with him? A He also had a contracted left rib, and on his right hand, the right middle-— the right ring finder was swollen and discolored. Q Now, the direct cause as I understand you, was from this ruptured kidney ? A From the hemorrhage. Q Caused by the rupturing of this kidney; was there anything to indicate to you, or can you tell us what those bruises might have been caused by -- of course if you cannot tell us----A The bruises, where do you mean, on the left side ? Q Over the kidney, A It was produced by contact with something, Q Have you any way of ascertaining by what manner of substance that was ? A No, I could not tell you what the substance was. I might tell you something about the shape of it. Q That is what I mean. A That is from the shape of the wound. Q You might tell us shape of the wound. A This bruise- the skin was not broken, and in all it was three or four inches long- extending antere-posterially, situated over the left kidney, which was about an inch wide, and in front it had a right angle sharp corners. Q You don't know when this man died  ? A No, I was simply told he died about 6 o'clock. BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 100 File 1904/10 Attorney General documents.