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that answer. Now I am simply saying as far as that goes I will be bound by it, and I will take this affirmation. MR MORESBY: The question has not been put to him yet as to what would happen if he does not tell the truth. MR POWELLL: I understand that there was an objection taken and there was a ruling on it and why open the matter again—- COURT: I think I will have to stand by my ruling, MR TAYLOR: Did he give an answer yet to the question as to what would happen him  ? INTERPRETER: No, he has not given an answer. (question put to witness). If we write the name on the paper and burn it, he say if he does not tell truth he would be punished by a Spirit, he means the Joss. MR. TAYLOR: He would be punished by a Spirit of the Joss? A Now, does your Honor hold that he can take an affirmation. You have now got from the witness some form that would be binding on him and that brings out a distinction, The Canada Evidence Act only applies to a Christian who has a conscientious objection to taking an oath and yet believes in a future state of punishment which this man does not believe in. MR POWELL: He has said nothing about the oath, just about telling the truth. MR TAYLOR: In the face of that statement I merely wish to point out it would be a very good position for the Defence, to allow him to affirm BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 100 File 1904/10 Attorney General documents.