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MR TAYLOR:        My learned friend is unfair to

suggest that he came in the room; he says he did not come in the room. MR MORESBY: I want to know whether it was hearsay, or whether he knew of his own knowledge that Nam Yuen did not come in. INTERPRETER: No Nam Yuen did not come in the room, but Wong On did, Q Well, where was Nam Yuen ? A He only heard Nam Yuen was outside; he say he did not see Nam Yuen, he just look and see Wong On, he did not see Nam Yuen. Q Yes, go on. A On asked Mann Quannn What you beat Nam Yuen for. $ Yes. A The reply was from Mann Quann, he say he was going to swear before the Joss, and because he accused him of telling a lie, and he wanted this Nam Yuen to go before the Joss and take an oath there, and he refused to do it and Mann Quann he struck me a blow first, and Wong On, he say no matter; he said that Mann Quann is not right, and don't make no difference to him-- that means he not right to beat him. I don't understand— he say "If you don't believe what I say you ask some others— COURT: He what ? INTERPRETER: He say if you don't believe what I say, ask the others. Q Who were the others ? A He did not mention which one, but he say some other ones in the room. Q What happened after that then ? A So he cursed Mann Quann; he say You such good fighter you-come out and have another fight. BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 100 File 1904/10 Attorney General documents.