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the people seat. Q What did he do? A Go around the table and went up tp Mann Quann's bed and Man Quann he see him walking all around and Mann Quann he got up and stood on the bed and Wong hung he tried to fight. Q Mann Quann stood on the bed when Wong approached him and tried to fight him; and what did Hung do? A Hung just take one hand (indicating) took hold of Mann Quann's cue. Q When he got hold of his cue where was Wong Gow Wong On? A He says all come and Wong On came first and five to six men come in the room. Q Who did you see? A I saw Wong Gow and Wong Sam too. Four or five men I savee come in the room. I savee Wong Sam I don't savee all. Q He says four or five men he savees come in the room. he savee Sam and some he savee and some he don't know. COURT: Mr. Powell what was it was said came in who did he say came in? MR POWELL: He said Wong On came in first. COURT:Then after? A And four or five amongst whom were Wong Gow and there were three or four amongst them that he did not know amongst whom he says was Wong Gow. Q Now you have told us Wong Hung grabbed Mann Quann by the cue? A Yes. Q What did he do then? A He called and all people came in. Q What happened then? A Some people come in some people hold the cue and some people hold the