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meaning of Mr. Powell's question.

COURT:       Try hlm again,  a little further.

MR POWELL: I will do it, but it is only a matter of delay. Q Well, who come in the room— anyone come in the room after that—- anybody come in the room-- you tell us four or five sit around there, what did you do  ? A I sit and wait on dinner. Q Yes, that it; good, anything else  ? A Lots of men walking all round.

Lots of people walking around ? A Talk out loud----

Q Lots of people walking around, talk out loud; did you see Mann Quann  ? A Yes, 1 saw Mann Quann there. Q What was Mann Quann doing ? A He sit down too. Mann Quann came back from the Theatre to wash his face. Q This is after the theatre ? A Yes, after the theatre. Q He came up to wash his hands In the same room where all you people were A All the same his sittingroom. Q And Mann Quann he wash his face ? A Yes. Q You tell us what happened what took place ? A Mann Quann wash his face. He go back and sit on the bed, and in one or two or three minutes he call all the people to sit at the dinner. MR. TAYLOR: One, two or three minutes he called on the people to sit at dinner. (i And where was he then-- on the bed or where was he ? A Mann Quann sit on the bed. BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 100 File 1904/10 Attorney General documents.