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MR. TAYLOR: This witness seems to understand everything in English— do you speak English ? Witness: Very little bit MR. TAYLOR: I take objection to him being examined in Chinese. MR MORESBY He can only speak a few words of English, but we can try him. COURT: Just see if he can answer. MR POWELL: He understands a little bit. MR. TAYLOR: It is very convenient for to not understand at tines. MR. POWELL: He can talk a certain amount, but as for getting an exact description I know he cannot do it in English. COURT: just try it a little. Q, (to witness) Fat, Saturday night you said he was there Si Quong and everybody else— what happened after that, after you all in the room ? MR. TAYLOR : You don't have to lead him; he is a bright clever chap. MR. POWELL: My friend is playing for delay. Q What took place after that  ? A I don't know what you mean ? MR, TAYLOR: How beautifully said. MR POWELL: We have never talked to him in our consultations with him in English. If my learned friend wants me to go on with him I will try him---- COURT: It is quite evident that lots of them understand a little English, but not enough to know what you say. MR. TAYLOR: He may not have caught the BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 100 File 1904/10 Attorney General documents.