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should be no communication. This la a most serious charge, in fact, one of the most serious we can possibly have, and It is only fair that there should be no possibility of communication between the proposed witnesses, and that they way not be allowed to hear the evidence of any of the preceding witnesses. To my notion it is only fair.

Mr. Powell: We will agree that the Chinese witnesses and all the Chinese should he excluded from the Court room while our witnesses are giving evidence - not only from a hygenic standpoint, but for all purposes.

Court: what do you say to that Mr. Taylor?

Mr. Taylor: As far as we are concerned, we leave that entirely in your hands your Honor. As long as the witnesses are out and the witness who testifies is kept away from the other it is all right. My friend is taking what I consider to be an unfair position. He will not tell us the witnesses he is going to call, and he will not segregate the witnesses he is going to call from the others. He persists in attempting to get such advantage as he may get by reason of the fact that he will not communicate the name of his witnesses, he will not say he will exclude those witnesses, or he will not say how many he is going to have. He says two are here and I contend that even shutting out the Chinese even that makes no difference.

Court: It will prevent communication.

Mr. Taylor: There are others here.

Court: It is only fair Mr. Powell that every facility be given for a fair hearing, and an absolute fair hearing.

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 100 File 1904/10 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Attorney General documents.