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Police Court, Victoria, B.C., 13th February, 1904 10:00 A.M.

PURSUANT to adjournment the Court met at 10:00 A.M. this 13th day of February, 1904, all parties being present as before.

Mr. Powell: We will call Haw Fat.

Mr. Taylor: Your Honor, while we were waiting this morning there was gone discussion among us as to the question of adjournment, and Mr. Moresby said he would not object to the case standing over. We want this case adjourned until Thursday. If we go on this morning we would have to ask you for an adjournment at lunch until 4 o'clock, and it would be a little unusual to have to ask you and the other Court officials to come back here on Saturday afternoon. I find that there is a general objection among the Chinese to be here Monday, and I find from information received from the Interpreter, he has to interpret in Vancouver on Tuesday morning and Thursday would be a safe day for all parties. I was not aware up till now that this afternoon I had an important appointment from two until four, and we would not be able to finish the Chinese evidence in, one day, and I have also been informed by the Chief of Police that the two Chinese who have been arrested in Seattle may be here for Thursday, in which case one hearing would do for both cases, and that is a consideration. I think that does not affect us materially, but it would affect the Court, and therefore I would ask that we adjourn until Thursday which has been suggested as a satisfactory day.

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 100 File 1904/10 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Attorney General documents.