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make me absolutely wild if I thought that my sisters did not enjoy themselves just because I was away scrapping.

We would be a cheerful crowd if everybody sat down and cried. Enjoy yourself for all you are worth, the more you do so the more weight it is off our minds. A fat lot of use the army would be if they knew that their relations were moping at home.

I have such a lot that I should like to tell you of, but am not allowed to, I often wish that I had not got to censor my own letters as I am certain that one could say a lot more.

Dodie, you have got to sit down at once and write and say that you have forgiven me for making a fool of myself.

There quite a lot of Canadian nurses out here, I wish that you had come with them, though I think that you would not like the place. They must have a pretty rotten time of it as food and everything is so scarce and frightfully expensive. I felt that I came nearer to the hardships of the Tommies in the trenches when we had been

BC Archives MS-0089 Box 1 File 3 / GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Correspondence inward, 1915.