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For tea cold roast beef & salads, jam custards & cake &c &c. The mess huts were decorated up first rate and our band entertained us at dinner with numerous selections. As is usual, the seniors - Lgb. & Sgt-Majors - waited on the men. We had an uproarious time. The Captain in charge of our No 1 large Y.M.C.A. hut has invited me to tea, with several other helpers, & we had a fine time instead of at barracks. Christmas night in the Y was devoted to a concert and games, fully enjoyed by a full house. The 26th was also a free day for the boys - no parades at all. Then on the 29th I left for my six days leave & enjoyed it firstrate at the "ould hame".

The second week in the new year our delayed Christmas mail came in and I am busy acknowledging all the nice things you people sent me.

I am enclosing a program of the Xmas week entertainment as the Y.M.C.A had & a prospectus of the Soldiers College for your perusal. Major Brock, formerly,

BC Archives MS-1901 Box 1 File 11 / RUSSELL, Alma M., 1873-1964 / Selected miscellaneous letters and ephemera, 1914 - 1917