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McGill University, Montreal

Principal's Offfice

September Twenty-ninth 1920.

Arthur D. Crease, Esq., Union Club, Victoria, B.C.

My dear Crease: -

Just a brief note to acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 21st.

I remember Colonel J. Hastings, Area Commandant at ARRAS, very well and I am sure the photo to which he refers is one taken at the eastern outlet of the caves of St. Sauveur. The occasion was one on which I conducted General Mewburn, the Minister of Militia, Mr Ballantyne, now Minister of Marine and Fisheries and some others through the caves to an observation post from which we could obtain a view of the Boche lines. Colonel Hastings I know was with the party. I do not know where a copy of that photo can be obtained, if the Canadian Records have been unable to supply it, but I am writing to my old A.D.C., Major Willis O'Connor at Ottawa, asking him to see what can be done.

I look forward to seeing you in Victoria about the end of October.

Cordially reciprocating your good wishes, I am, Ever your faithfully, A.W Currie.

From General Sir Arthur Currie K.C.M.G. DSO &c Commander of Canadian Corps written when he became principal of McGill College.

BC Archives MS-2879 Box 83 File 1 / CREASE FAMILY / “Diary of the War”, diary and scrapbook of Arthur Douglas Crease, 1915 – 1919.