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Case further adjourned to 18th September.

Do do 22nd September.

Vancouver, B.C.

22nd September 1914

COURT: Mr. Cowan, I have come to the conclusion that I am bound to commit on the charge, and I am about to commit him now, and I wanted you to be in Court.

MR. COWAN: I am prepared with evidence.

COURT: I have no power to hear the other side and to decide the question between one set of witnesses and another. The only power I have under the criminal Code is, if there is sufficient evidence to commit the man for trial; that is all I can do. I cannot try the case.

COURT: Having heard the evidence, do you wish to say anything in answer to the charge? You are not obliged to say anything unless you desire to do so; but whatever you say will be taken down in writing and may be given in evidence against you at your trial. You must clearly understand that you have nothing to hope from any promise of favour, and nothing to fear from any threat which may have been held out to you to induce you to make any admission or confession of guilt, but whatever you now say may be given in evidence against you upon your trial, notwithstanding such promise or threat.

MR. COWAN: We wish to put in evidence. I wish to call Mr. Grant.

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 193 File 1914/195 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Attorney General documents.