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to nine Canton Street.

217 Q Just two went? A. Lem How and Lem Ho and then came back.

8 Q Came back where? Came back to the crowd.

9 Q They came back to the crowd? A. Yes.

20 Q You spoke of a bunch a little while ago that were with Lem How and Lem Ho. A. A bunch of men came down from 556½

1 Q Did Lem How come with the bunch from 556½. A. A bunch came from 556 ½ and some bunch came from nine Canton street.

COURT: And they joined together? A. Yes and at the time everybody was fighting everybody, a general mix-up.

COURT: Could you see in the general mix-up who was punching each other? A. No I couldn’t see.

2 Q Did you see Lem How’s brother struck? A. No I didn’t see; there was a general mix-up.

3 Q In fact you could not see who was striking whom, could you?

COURT: You don’t know how many were fighting? A. Pretty quite lots.

4 Q How many? A. About a hundred.

5 Q Were fighting? A. Yes.

6 Q. And you didn’t see Lem How carry his brother up to 556½A. When I saw Wing get hurt I just waw Lem How him helping his brother in the doorway, and then I went to the Policeman.

MR. RUSSELL: That is the case for the prosecution.

(CASE adjourned to 8th and 11th)

I hereby certify the foregoing to be true and accurate copy of the said proceedings.

L.H. Heaney.


BC Archives GR-0419 Box 193 File 1914/195 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Attorney General documents.