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Either by a stick or a finger nail.

1 Q Mr. Grant, the witness Wing, you heard the Witness, Cum Wing, give his evidence on the 1st of September? A. Yes, I was present.

2 Q Do you know that witness? A. I have seen him quite a number of times.

3. Where? A. In Chinatown and on Canton Street. He is what is known as a Ung-gow dealer and gambling house in Canton Street. I have seen him there gambling and dealing and I have seen him since this affray dealing. I went and saw him the night he gave evidence in Court here and he was dealing that night or that afternoon; a gambling house next to one of those little alleys that run through, I have forgotten the number.

4 Q Anything else? A. I think that is all.


5 Q Locate this gambling house, what is the number? A. I cannot remember the number Mr. Russell; it is next to the alley, one of the alleys that run through to Carrall Street

6 Q Ther are several alleys? A. I think there are two; it is the one….

7 Q Is it the one nearest Pender or nearest the Yards? A. It is the one nearest Pender.

8 Q There is gambling done there; do you know who runs it? A. No it is hard to find out who runs these places.

9 Q Do you know the number? A. I have forgotten the number.

40 Q Have you been there more than once? A. I have been past there and looked in twenty times in the last three months?

1 Q Have you been inside? A. Yes.

2 Q Have you gambled there? A. No.

3 Q Can you identify any of the people who have been gambling there? A. No, not at the present moment Mr. Russell.

4 Q Can you identify any of the men who were apparently in charge? A. When a game is running, there is only one man in charge.

5 Q. Where is a door-keeper? A. No, there is no door-keeper.