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I was in the Imperial Hotel on March 14th. On hearing the shooting and running out to see where it was and going back to the Imperial Hotel I saw Ing Soo pass me with a six-shooter running towards the Steele house and railroad track. Murphy and myself started after him to try and bring him back. Then we were close enough to him I said Wing what are you trying to do, he said I am going to kill him. I said don’t do that you will get inched he said Don’t’ give a shit and we talked to him a few minutes and he turned round to come back with us all the while he had the six shooter in his hand and he fired two shots then putting his gun down in his pants we brought him along until we met Constable Walsh. The Constable took charge and I helped him accompany him to the gaol.

CROSS-EXAMINED: I saw Spencer at the bridge as we met Constable Walsh. When the shots were fired I did not see anyone. I did not think when the two shots were fired anyone was in danger from the shots, they were fired up the gravel bar towards the bridge, the bridge was about 200 away, Ing Soo was traveling away from the town when we caught up to him. Ing Soo went down the trail on the track and we followed him.

At the time two shots were fired on the railroad track I did not think anyone was in the slightest danger.

The above evidence is taken in the presence and hearing of the accused.

(Sgd) James White

(Sgd) Arthur B. Fenwick, J.P.

(Sgd) R.L.T. Galbraith, J.P.

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 175 File 1913/130 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Attorney General documents.