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Q. While you were doing that did you see the accused?

A. No, Sir.

A. Did you see him after you had done on the same day ?

A. Yes.

Q. What were you doing when you saw him ?

A. Sitting down .

Q. How close did he come to you ?

A. Right close to us.

Q. What did he do ?

A. He pushed us over.

Q. Who do you mean by us ?

A. Me and May

Q. What did he do then ?

A. Lifted up our clothes.

Q. How close together were you and May ?

A. Quite close together.

Q. What did he do after he pushed you over ?

A. He unfastened his pants.

Q. After he unfastened his pants what did he do then ?

A. Then he pushed his cock into me.

Q. Who did he lie on top of first?

A. May.

Q. How long did he stop there ?

A. Not long.

Q. And after May what did he do then ?

A. Got on top of me.

The accused was asked through the Interpreter if he had any questions to ask the Witness, and the Interpreter said the accused had some questions to ask.

Mr. Hamilton asked what the questions were, and the Interpreter then said the accused did not wish to ask any questions.