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CANADA Province of British Columbia County of Yale

Ah Tom stands charged before the undersigned J.T. Robinson Esq., one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid, this twelfth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twelve for that the said Ah Tom on the eighth day of February A.D. 1912 at the city of Kamloops in the County aforeseaid did unlawfully keep a disorderly house to wit an opium joint at 262 Main Street in the City of Kamloops aforesaid.

Usual warning is here read to the accused who states that :-

“I am not guilty, I don’t keep an opium joint, I smoke opium myself. I only keep opium for myself. The white man came to me with a letter from a Chinese friend of mine in Calgary. It has to do with Chinese Freemasonry. No one was smoking opium the day the Chief came in except myself, the white man had not been smoking any.

[Sgd} Ah Tom

TAKEN before me, at the City of Kamloops, the day and year first above mentioned.

]Sgd) J. T. Robinson, J. P.