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No I


I next examined the chinaman, I don't know his name, a man of thirty of thirty-five years of age, and found he had a cut above his eye. I could see no other visible signs of injury, concluded he had died from drowning. I examined John Marshall, a man about twenty-nine or thirty years of age. He had quite a deep cut in his upper lip in the centre; no other visible signs of injury, concluded that he had died from drowning. I examined the body of Mr Smith, a man about thirty-eight years of age -

Coroner; - You did a post mortem on him did you?

A; - I also did a post mortem on Mr Smith. I found post mortem rigidity and abnormal lividity present. His eyes were almost closed, his mouth almost closed; his privates were contracted, a somewhat gooseflesh appearance of his body with redness of face. I might say the redness of the body, of the face was noticeable in almost in almost all the cases, except the stiffness of the body; nothing elseby way of marks was noticed, excepting for the stiffness; I didn't notice any marks on the man but the marks I mentioned. I then did a post mortem. On opening the brain, I found no visible signs of injurey, either before or at the time of the accident. On opening the abdomen there was a noticeable distention of the organs, especially of the intestines which is common at post mortems. I next examined the lungs. I found them lower in the middle line; the edges of the lungs on the middle line about four inches apart. On opening into the pericardial sack surrounding the heart, found a normal amount of fluid. I examined the heart and consider it slightly enlarged, the muscles slightly softened. These were not contracted at all. I found clots in the heart most marked on the right side. On examining the lungs they had the appearance as if full of air. I removed a lung and found about half an ounce of water but not of the bronchus. in examing the lung tissues itself there was no appearance

BC Archives, GR-0431 Box 10 File 4 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL/ Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.